Director Profile
Kolkata Web Hosting is owned and managed by Mr. Rajiv Kumar, he hails from Marwari Business family, his ancestors were involved in Trading of various commodities like Gemstones, Pearls, Diamonds, Jute, Tea, Grains etc. Mr Rajiv Kumar completed his graduation in Computer Science in 2004 and since then he has been associated with Kolkata Web Hosting, along with Web Hosting Services, Mr Rajiv Kumar also managed other companies related to Software Development and Digital Marketing.
Education & Training
Mr Rajiv Kumar has completed Bachelors in Computer Application from IMTS, along with his graduation he also enrolled himself in courses from Tata Infotech Limited and completed two diplomas in Software Development, eCommerce Development and Managing Servers and Networks.
Mr Rajiv Kumar has successfully completed MCSE in 2006, he is also a Certified ASP Programmer from Expert Rating, along with this, Mr Rajiv Kumar also holds certificates in Networking.
Mr Rajiv Kumar holds a vast experience in Information Technology, he loves to learn new technology and keeps himself upgrading with latest technologies, after graduation, Mr Rajiv Kumar used to develop ecommerce websites in ASP, along with he also managed hosting services for both Windows and Unix (Linux) platforms, he knows how to tweak servers and web servers for better performance, later on he learnt PHP programming and started developing websites on LAMP Stack, at present Mr Rajiv Kumar develops websites in Laravel, he has also upgraded himself with AWS, Azure and GCP cloud platforms.